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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Make Extra Money this coming season

Gift Wrapping Service

Christmas is just around the corner.  Providing gift wrapping services to busy people is one way to earn extra money this holiday season.  More and more people are getting busier. Offering gift wrapping service is a great way to earn extra income. Not just during holiday season but all year round.  

Whether gift wrapping is just your hobby or your therapy or creative outlet, still you have to consider several factors if you will offer it as service or as a start up business.

Transportation Allowance:
If you’re travelling to someone’s home to wrap or travel to shop, I recommend to keep a record of where and what places you visited for the customer. How much you are spending for all the driving or fare? You can choose to charge the customer  for your transportation.

What you would need for Your Gift Wrapping Business:
- P10-20
- P 20-25
- P 5-10 or make your own design
Gift Tags
- create your own gift tags or buy it for P2-5 pesos
Pens (for that personal touch)
Ordinary Gift Wrap: P2.50-5
-You can buy in Divisoria for P2.50-5 per piece

Abaca Gift Bags:
12in x 4in (great for wine bottles) @ 3pcs for 100 pesos
9in x 6 1/2in @ 3pcs for 100pesos
6in x 6in @ 15pesos each
9in x 4in @ 20pesos each
4in x 4in @ 10 pesos each
6in x 2 1/2in @10 pesos each

How to get customers?
- Advertise your gift wrap service in local news, internet services such as: facebook, Craigslits, and other popular advertising sites
-Offer clients a discount on future wrapping services for referrals
- Ask people you’re close with to spread the word. Seek a free ad in a penny pincher.
-Post a flyer on a community bulletin board if available.
-Wrap a gorgeous package and print your contact information on a blank gift tag then ask the proprietor of a local business to display it for you.
Starting a gift wrapping business is fairly easy. Creativity and hard work during the peak seasons will see your business booming in no time at all.

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