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Monday, August 05, 2013

negOsyO BlOg : Facebook Tips


Profiles  Profiles are intended for people, not businesses.It’s actually against the Facebook terms to use a profile for a business. If the Facebook gods find your profile set up like this, it’s possible they may delete the entire profile. So much for all your hard work getting friends! Updating your profile is very important, mostly the areas of interest such as Books you read, site you visit, movies & music you like. Why? because when you are friending someone, those personal likes are sometimes the key things to start a relationship with.
BTW, this tip is good for al social sites!

Fan pages Fan pages are indexed by search engines. Profiles are not. If you’re like most business owners, you want as many people as possible to find you online. If you set up a profile in your business name, you’re not maximizing your exposure. Sure, your Facebook friends will be able to see your page, but new people won’t find you all that easily.

Fans vs. Friends Fan Pages can have an unlimited number of fans. Profiles can only have 5,000 friends. If you’re trying to build your business, why limit yourself? It only makes sense to choose the option that allows you to have more people get on your bandwagon.

One profile – many Fan Pages
You can have multiple fan pages, but only one personal profile. This is important for people who want to promote different businesses or groups.
Groups Categorize your friends, you can create several groups in your contact manager, create one for family, for business, one for pending...      meaning that you have friended these people but have yet to connect with them through email, voice or video... at which time you can move them in another group. 

What grouping helps you do as well is communicate by group about certain news, but most importantly you can choose to select what they see on your profile. 
CommentsnComments, one of the most powerful way to get a following and get information, do not just LIKE items being posted...interact by adding valuable comments!

Links Do NOT POST links to capture pages on peoples walls ! create an article or blog post that brings value i regards to a subject of interest, have the link to your capture page imbedded in the document. That way you are giving away something that can peek the interest of a prospect! and it prevents you looking like a MASS SPAMMER !

Picture It's called Face Book, so ensure you have a great picture of your face has your profile....why would anyone want to friend a dog, flower, logo or product! make your own picture.


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