Getting your message out costs money.
You have to spend money to make money.
This is a basic fact of business.
If you don't spend any money, you won't be making any.
Before you spend money however, you have to know who your customer is.
Then you have to tell them what they want to hear.
Once that happens you will have attracted a new customer.
Online advertising is the one tool that you can use to attract new customers with a tight budget. Targeted e-mail campaigns, banner advertising and newsletters can all be highly effective ways to attract new customers. The key however is not in using them (because anyone can do that), but in using them correctly.
A small business consultant can help you figure out what's the best way for you to advertise, so that you can spend as little money as possible.
Give people reasons to buy.
Good advertising techniques are useless without an effective message.
An effective message gives people reasons to spend their money with your business.
An effective message attracts new customers.
Here's a little psychology tip for you.
Have you ever wondered why you see prices like 99pesos instead of 100pesos?
It's because 99pesos looks better. Although it's only a 1-peso difference, you are giving people less psychological resistance towards buying.
Here's another tip for you.
Start with high prices, and then put things on sale.
People are more likely to buy something when they know they are saving money.
So instead of selling your product for 99pesos, sell it for 299pesos and mark it down to 99pesos.
You won't be able to keep them in stock!
These are easy techniques that you can use yourself without the help of a small business consultant, but a consultant can help you find thousands of proven, cost-effective ways to attract new customers. Remember, to follow the 3-rules, give people a reason to buy... and they will.

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